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Benefits of silo for grain storage

Benefits of silo for grain storage

Having a silo plant to store the grain obtained during the harvest allows producers an additional margin that not only helps them to be more competitive, but to better preserve the products. The hermetic metallic silo is one of the most effective that currently exists and that have allowed thousands of producers to store the products of all their crops in the best way.

grain silo plant

That is why, we will explain in great detail the multiple benefits offered by a silo, as well as the importance of having one in the agriculture sector. We hope that the information that we will present below will be very useful to solve the many doubts you have regarding this issue and that it will also allow you to know in detail the characteristics that have allowed us to position ourselves as a leading construction company of agro-industrial and livestock systems.

 grain silo storing grain

The first thing you should know about a silo is that it is not any container for storing grain, but rather it is a container of enormous dimensions, which has been manufactured with galvanized corrugated sheets, which are secured with special screws to support storage capacity. They also have their own unique design of ceilings, walls, and domes that, in harmony, achieve really impressive loading and storage results. This type of storage has capacities that can range from 50 tons to 23,000 tons, which allows storing large quantities of grain to meet the demand of modern consumers.

Experts in the field have stated that the hermetic silo can keep the grain in perfect condition for up to three or four years, a considerable time if one takes into account that, under normal conditions, it is not possible to last longer than one year, so that with this simple benefit is that the effectiveness of these stores is demonstrated.

 grain silo storing grain

The implementation of a silo to store the grain for three or four years does not affect the viability and germination power of the grain. We must say that the use of a silo brings important benefits, which we will list briefly in the following lines. We are certain that after reading the valuable information that we will offer you, you will not have the slightest doubt that this type of grain stores is what you need to optimize your land and the production of the same. Not for nothing, thousands of companies and industries worldwide already implement these types of systems to store their raw material.

Benefits of silo storage:

  • It allows greater control and greater planning of the harvest and transport logistics.
  • It allows to maintain the physical control of the grains, which without a doubt allows the main producers to have greater security and control in the collections.
  • Thanks to its hermetic design, the silo offers the possibility of improving the quality of the grains in origin, an important element to obtain better final products or better plantings, in the case of farmers.
  • It allows to have greater anticipation in the harvest, vital element when the final fruits of the same have already been agreed upon. That is why thousands of farmers opt for the use of these modern and sophisticated systems.
  • Greater and better control. It is important to emphasize that with the installation of a silo it is possible to have greater control of the quality of the grain as well as of the shipments to the destination, in such a way that your business will be much more profitable when offering an integral service.
  • Improve marketing conditions, that is, to be able to sell the grain at a better price than during the harvest season, which represents higher profits, and of course, the path to the success of a job that is complicated and very heavy.

benefit grain silo storing grain

Finally, it is important to say that with this modern storage system it is possible to reduce the costs of intermediaries, which represents benefits for final consumers, and of course for producers.

As you can see, the silo is a very important element for the agricultural industry. They must know that in the agriculture of the future, the difference between buying a product or another will be mainly in the quality, which will be determined by the storage system, the type of grain, the size of the same, and of course the care that were taken during storage to avoid pests, such as rodents or other animals, that significantly affect these basic products.

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